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GabrielAcoustic Fabrics

Acoustic wall fabrics
Gabriel fabrics

Gabriel Acoustic range of fabrics

In the growing market for acoustical solutions it has become increasingly important to choose the right materials and constructions for screens and wall panels – and to document acoustical value. Acoustic fabrics significantly influence the acoustical properties of screens and wall panels, and are thus an important factor in the overall design and when making a competitive product.

Quiet Interiors create superior Acoustic fabric walls

Quiet interiors create acoustically superior wall and panels. Gabriel’s high-performance acoustic fabrics are documented according to EN29053 and ISO 354 and will in combination with our range of application services undoubtedly add value to your products. Our extensive selection of high performance acoustic fabrics covers a large range of applications and is used for screens and wall panels in offices, residential buildings, enter-tainment facilities and the healthcare sector. Some of our services include acoustical simulation of designs, tests of physical products and even production of components and final products.

Acoustic fabric wall options

Why Acoustic fabric?

Acoustic wall finishes are an ideal solution for managing reverberation in a variety of spaces from meeting rooms to studio spaces.  Our experienced team can select the right type of finish to meet your acoustic needs, design ascetic and budget. Quiet Interiors Stretched Fabric is an attractive, sound absorbing solution. It is designed to reduce echo and reverberation by capturing unwanted sound energy, preventing it from being reflected back into the space it came from


Quiet Interiors Gabriel Fabric Wall System

Fabric Wall System

Quiet Interiors Wall Finishing System is a high-performance, stretched fabric system unlike any you've seen before. Unlike traditional wrapped panels, with our VOC-free site-fabricated system there is no need to site measure and no long lead times.


Our Frame System is self-scribing; easily adjusting to on-site conditions. Another advantage of our Frame is that it permits the selected covering to be easily inserted into tight fitting jaws which hold the Fabric taut, allowing the Fabric to "float" above the surface of the panel. This eliminates almost all of the visible surface damage that invariably occurs in pre-wrapped panels. Moreover the Fabric can be changed should it become damaged, soiled, or if a design change is desired.

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Fabric Wall Showroom

Please feel free to visit our St Albans fabric wall showroom. We have a range of fabric wall solutions on display and samples that can be taken away. Our team are on hand discuss your project

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